Saturday, September 28, 2024
9 AM to 3 PM,
On Gibson Street.
*rain date October 5, 2024, from 9 am-3 pm
“To promote the unique history of Columbus, carved out of the wilderness, and encourage the continuance of the handmade arts through education, public display, and civic involvement.”
Fall Festival in Columbus, NC
The Town of Columbus is a small community located on Highway 74 and I-26 in the Blue Ridge Mountain foothills of Western North Carolina. Columbus is the county seat and business/commerce center of Polk County. We are hosting a Fall Festival on September 28, 2024. This festival promises a unique, fun-filled day with a wide variety of local and regional craft vendors and bouncy houses for the kids. This family-friendly festival is scheduled on the historic Antebellum Courthouse lawn in conjunction with Courthouse Street. Local restaurants are nearby. Interested in being a vendor? Please fill out this application and return it to P.O. Box 146, Columbus, NC 28722, which is attached to your payment. No payments will be taken over the phone or online; only pay at the town hall or by mail.
Further Questions: email me at [email protected] or call me at 828-894-8236 ext: 4.
Enjoy this video of the 2019 Festival.

(Subscribe to our YouTube Channel for more videos)
Discover Columbus is seeking:

Wood Carvers, Turners, Whittlers, Amateurs, Professionals alike.

Exhibits, Crafters, Organization, Demonstrations
New and,
Standalone food truck
Vendors and Standalone Food Truck
The space fee for exhibitors and vendors selling merchandise is $25, and the fee for a standalone Food Truck is $50.
PLEASE NOTE: Hobbyists who sell are not required to provide a tax ID.
The application deadline is September 13, 2024, for standalone food trucks and September 22, 2024, for all other vendors.
Festival Flyer 2024
Please download the Fall Festival Flyer 2024 and post it in your church and other appropriate venues!
Volunteers are also needed to help. Contact us here or call 1-828-894-8236