Annual Events
Columbus Annual Easter Egg Hunt
Saturday, TBD
Columbus Fire & Rescue will be hosting the Easter Egg Hunt at Stearns Park in Columbus, NC! This event is free to the public! Bring your kids for games and prizes! Family fun!
“Columbus Proud” Litter Awareness Month on April 13, 2024
April is National Litter Awareness Month, which means that it’s officially time for spring cleaning to begin. Discover Columbus and the Town of Columbus are planning a month-long event to help bring attention to the “dirty” topic of litter. This month-long event will begin the first weekend of April, Saturday, April 13, 2024. Learn More Here
Farmer’s Market
May 4th – October 19, 2024
Saturdays, 8 AM – 12 PM
Location: On Courthouse Street in Columbus, NC
Polk County Farms is ready to welcome everyone back to its farmers markets for the 2024 Summer Market Season.
This year, the Saluda Tailgate Market will run every Friday from 4:00 to 6:00 p.m. The market’s new location will be 214 East Main Street in Saluda from May 3rd through October 18th.
The Columbus Farmers Market will be held every Saturday morning from 8 a.m. to noon. This market will be located at 40 Courthouse St. in Columbus and will run from May 4th through October 19th.
These wonderful farmers’ markets feature an abundance of locally grown foods. By shopping at the farmer’s markets, you help support our local farmers, who provide us with the freshest produce, eggs, and meat products. A slew of locally handmade crafts will also be available at the Columbus Farmers Market.
If you are interested in becoming a vendor at either market, you can find vendor applications on their website (
Child Abuse and Prevention Walk-TBD

update soon
Sponsored by the Polk County Community Child Fatality Prevention and Protection Team, the event also will feature hot dogs, lawn games, a bouncy house, music, information, T-shirt giveaways, and other prizes – all for free.
Columbus Fire Dept BBQ & Gospel Sing-TBD
update soon
Fabulous Fourth
Thursday, July 4, 2024, 10:00 AM to 10:00 PM, Downtown Columbus
The 61st Annual Fabulous 4th will take place in downtown Columbus on Thursday, July 4, 2024, from 10:00 AM to 10:00 PM. The day is filled with family fun, food, and entertainment, ending with spectacular fireworks.
Music in the Park
update soon
Fall Festival – Sept 28, 2024
Fall Festival in Columbus, NC
The Town of Columbus is a small community located on Highway 74 and I-26 in the Blue Ridge Mountain foothills of Western North Carolina. Columbus is the county seat and business/commerce center of Polk County. We are hosting a Fall Festival on September 28, 2024. This festival promises a unique, fun-filled day with a wide variety of local and regional craft vendors and bouncy houses for the kids. This family-friendly festival is scheduled on the historic Antebellum Courthouse lawn in conjunction with Courthouse Street. Local restaurants are nearby. Interested in being a vendor? Please fill out this application and return it to P.O. Box 146, Columbus, NC 28722, which is attached to your payment. No payments will be taken over the phone or online; only pay at the town hall or by mail.
Further Questions: email me at [email protected] or call me at 828-894-8236 ext: 4.
Halloween Fun Walk
Update soon
Home Town Christmas
Update soon